Sunday, May 3, 2009

Daughter's Poem

My Obligation: To Mom

Mother’s Day is coming,
And a gift I’ve yet to find,
So I write this poem to you,
Though it is a waste of time

This is my obligation,
Which I do not want to do
But it is my way of saying:
Happy Mother’s Day to you

The spring’s warm air is stirring
Calm and hopeful, warm and breezy
And though one wouldn’t think to add,
It is also very cheesy

This is my obligation,
Which I do not want to do
But it’s my ONLY way of saying:
Happy Mother’s Day to you

Though you will not give me discounts,
And you get mad far too quickly,
Still you put hope in my future,
And you do not do it meekly

This is my obligation,
Which I do not want to do
But it’s an okay way of saying:
Happy Mother’s Day to you

When the happy day is over
And the last “thank you”‘s have gone,
Still you’ll always have this poem,
Which is almost like a song

This is my obligation,
Which I do not want to do,
But I guess it’s nice to say:
Happy Mother’s Day to you.

When the weather here is rainy
Or the economy is bad
You can always read this poem again
And you won’t feel quite as sad
It’s more than a little cheesy,
And perhaps not all heartfelt,
But I hope you will appreciate
These words to you I’ve dealt

This is my obligation
Which I do not want to do
Yet I hope you’ll like me saying:
Happy Mother’s Day to you

My “cuteness” years are over
And my teen has not begun
But still your task for raising me,
Is not even close to done

This is my obligation,
Which I don’t really want to do
But it’s meaningful to say:
Happy Mother’s Day to you

I know it’s really mushy,
But I’ll write it to you still
I’d like to say I love you,
Always have and always will

This is not my obligation
It’s something nice to do
And the message of this is:
Happy Mother’s Day to you