Thursday, March 13, 2008

What Are Brokers' Exposures to Carlyle Capital?

Brokers' trading exposures to Carlyle Capital's soon to be defaulted fund -- rumored to be leveraged at an astonishing 32X! -- has been the big question circulating street desks Thursday.

Here's one set of numbers currently circulating on the potential exposure (analyst unknown):

-Citibank (C) $4.7B
-Lehman (LEH) $3B
-BoA (BAC) $2B
-UBS (UBS) $1.8B
-Bear Stearns (BSC) $1.7B
-ING (ING) $1.5B
-JPMorgan (JPM) $1.4B
-Calyon $1.3B
-Merrill Lynch (MER) $760m
-BN Paribas $600m
-Credit Suisse (CS) $500m

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of these numbers, but this is what is getting pinged around Wall Street trading desks . . .

1 comment:

EDGE said...

GS doesn't have such asset?! Do they?