Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Brief History of Recession Time

There have been 7 more recessions since 1950. The median decline in real GDP for the 8 slumps has been 1.91%; their average duration has been 10 1/2 months.

Aug.1957 - Apr. 1958 8 months -3.75%

Apr. 1960 - Feb. 1961 10 months -1.64%

Dec. 1969 - Nov. 1970 11 months -0.64%

Nov. 1973 - Mar 1975 16 months -3.10%

Jan 1980 - Jul 1980 6 months -2.18%

Jul 1981 - Nov 1982 16 months -2.87%

Jul 1990 - Mar 1991 8 months -1.26%

Mar 2001 - Nov 2001 8 months -0.17%

It would be nice to have the corresponding Market stats.

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